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Support for technology commercialization of new marine and fisheries industries

Process processor-based 6.5K LNG bunkering vessel driver virtual training simulator development

Process processor-based 6.5K LNG bunkering vessel driver virtual training simulator development

Project name: Development of a process processor-based 6.5K LNG bunkering vessel operator virtual training simulator

Project period: 2022.04.01~2023.12.31

Government Department: Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

​Professional organization: Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion

Host organization/Supplier: newgen I&S Co., Ltd.

Development Contents: Development of Integrated 6.5K CBM LNG Bunking Ship Training System linking Process Progressor and 3D Model (Development of Multipurpose/Multipurpose Simulator Integrating Contents with Theory, Regulations, Guide In, Rule, etc.)

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