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XR education training content

Eco-friendly ship equipment (SCR)

Eco-friendly ship equipment (SCR)

Depending on the entry and exit conditions required for the operation of SCR, a nitrogen oxide (NOx) removal device Immersive virtual training systems for Tier II, Prepare Tier III and Tier III operations

​Function 1

Driving process training content (VR)

  - Tier II, Prepare Tier III and Tier III

     Operation process at each stage
  - Virtual reality implementation of fluid flow and chemical reactions
  - UI for space movement and fluid flow

     Immersive content

​Function 2

Maintenance and S/W Backup and Upgrade Training System (AR-Galaxy Tab)
- Equipment Name and

    Description Content by Detail

- Process for handling alarms and

    zeroing occurred

    Implementation Content
- O&M with S/W Upgrade

    Course Implementation Content

​Function 3

Training system for alarm processing and Troubleshooting (AR-Galaxy Tab)
- Implementation of various high-

   pressure and low-pressure alarm     processing processes
- Implementation of Burner Ignition

   Error process Handling

Support H/W


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